
  作者:  浏览次数: 10

uDuan Dezhon,Du Debin,Seamus Grimes .The faster the better? Economic effects of the speed of inter-city technology transfer in China[J].Growth and Change, 2019, 50(3):1085-1101.

uQin Xionghe,Du Debin.A comparative study of the effects of internal and external technology spillovers on the quality of innovative outputs in China: the perspective of multistage innovation[J].International Journal of Technology Management, 2019, 80(3/4), 266.

uQin Xionghe,Du Debin,Kwan M-P.Spatial spillovers and value chain spillovers: evaluating regional R&D efficiency and its spillover effects in China[J].Scientometrics,2019,119(2):721-747.

uGui Qinchang,Du Debin,Liu Chengliang .The geography of intercity technology transfer networks in China[J].Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2019, 6(1):395-398.

uGui Qinchang,Liu Chengliang,Du Debin.Globalization of science and international scientific collaboration: A network perspective[J].Geoforum, 2019, 105:1-12.

uGui Qinchang,Liu Chengliang,Du Debin,Duan Dezhon.The changing geography of global science[J].Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2019, 51(8), 1615–1617 .

uGui Qinchang,Liu Chengliang,Du Debin.The structure and dynamic of scientific collaboration network among countries along the Belt and Road[J].Sustainability, 2019, 11(19),5187.

uSun Yanming,Zhang Lin.Full Separation or Full Integration? An Investigation of the Optimal Renewables Policy Employing Tradable Green Certificate Systems in Two Countries’ Electricity Markets[J].International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(24): 4937.

uJiang Yanpeng,Paul Waley.Small horse pulls big cart in the scalar struggles of competing administrations in Anhui Province, China[J].Environment and Planning CEnvironment and Planning C Politics and Space, 2019, 38(1):239965441986646.

uLiu Chengliang,Xu Jia Qi,Zhang Hong.Competitiveness or complementarity? A dynamic network analysis of international agri-trade along the Belt and Road[J].Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2019 (1).

uLiu Chengliang,Guo Qingbin.Technology spillover effect in China: The spatiotemporal evolution and its drivers[J].Sustainability, 2019,11(6), 1694.

uLiu Chengliang,Wang Tao,Guo Qingbin.Does environmental regulation repress the international R&D spillover effect? Evidence from China[J].Sustainability, 2019, 11(16),4353.

uLiu Chengliang,Niu Caicheng,Han Ji.Spatial dynamics of intercity technology transfer networks in China’s three urban agglomerations: A patent transaction perspective[J].Sustainability, 2019,11(6), 1647.

uWang Junsong,Ye Xinyue,Wei Yehua.Effects of Agglomeration, Environmental Regulations, and Technology on Pollutant Emissions in China: Integrating Spatial, Social, and Economic Network Analyses[J].Sustainability,2019, 11(2), 363.

uWang Junsong,Wei Yehua.Agglomeration, Environmental Policies and Surface Water Quality in China: A Study Based on a Quasi-Natural Experiment[J].Sustainability, 2019, 11(19), 5394.

uDuan Dezhon,Zhang Yang,Shen ying,Du Debin.Regional Integration in the Inter-City Technology Transfer System of the Yangtze River Delta, China[J].Sustainability, 2019, 11, 2941.

uZhai Qinghua, Jing Su , Minghai Y ,et al.How Do Institutions Relate to Entrepreneurship: an Integrative Model[J].Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2019,9(2): 1-16.

uWang Junsong,Wei Yehua,Lin Bingquan.How does tolerance affect urban innovative capacities in China?[J].Growth and Change,2019,50:1242-1259.

uZhai Qinghua, Jing Su.A perfect couple? Institutionaltheory and entrepreneurship research[J].Chinese Management Studies, 2019,13(3):616-644.

u刘承良,牛彩澄.东北三省城际技术转移网络的空间演化及影响因素.地理学报[J], 2019,74(10),2131-2146.












u杜德斌,段德忠,夏启繁.中美科技竞争力比较研究.世界地理研究[J], 2019,28(04):1-11.
